Alimentation Causap is a renowned food retailer in Causapscal, Quebec. To mark their 40th anniversary, we’ve written an article largely inspired by an interview with co-owners Frédéric and Simon Veilleux.
Alimentation Causap: a family story!
Alimentation Causap is a family-owned business that was founded on September 18, 1982, by Carol Veilleux and his wife Diane Fiset. First operating under the banner “Axep” and then “Marché Richelieu”, the store grew extensively over the years. In September 2003, the couple’s son Frédéric became a partner and Diane and Carol respectively retired in 2006 and 2013. Frédéric’s brother Simon became a co-owner in the fall of 2015.
Alimentation Causap is a modern supermarket with a human-centric vision and a warm, friendly atmosphere. The business has been able to stand out from other food stores in the area thanks to the close ties the owners have built with clients and their involvement within the community. The company’s constant desire to improve, to remain attentive to clients, and to never take customers for granted are some of the reasons Alimentation Causap has continued to thrive over the years.
The other reason for the company’s success? Their employees! Every member of the staff is part of a big family that cares about the company’s success. In fact, many of them have been with Alimentation Causap for more than 15 years – the head cashier has been part of the team for 35 years! Most impressively, the efficient, experienced staff has a combined 400 years of experience.
The store’s 40th anniversary is an immense source of pride for co-owners Frédéric and Simon. In the past four decades, the square footage of the store has grown five times and the number of employees has gone from 5 to 36! Faced with the challenges of an aging population, a labour shortage, and fierce competition, continuing to prosper and grow is a daily challenge. The company’s success is due to the Veilleux family’s business acumen. Today, Alimentation Causap has come to symbolize the region: proud, resilient, lively!

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